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Pressure Vessels Product Catalogue

Our Pressure Tanks suitable for use as:

  • Water Receiver Tank (Accumulator Tank), where water is stored under pressure to reduce cycling of the pump, hence extending the lifetime. 
  • Air Receiver Tank, where compressed air is stored to reduce the operation time of compressors, reducing maintenance costs and electrical use.

Pressure Vessels
Air Receiver Tanks / Water Pressure Tanks

We supply pressure vessels, both air and water receiver tanks. The minimum capacity we can cater starts at 100 Litres. Our pressure tanks includes:

  • Safety Valve

  • Epoxy Lining

  • Pressure Gauge

  • Nozzles

  • Disnaker (Indonesian Department of Manpower and Transmigration) Certification


Our pressure vessels adhere to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) and are open to customization.


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